Wednesday, December 14, 2011

KAKA Star Of Christmas Campaign "Jesus. My Hope"

The Brazilian player Kaka is one of the great attractions of the media campaign 'My Hope', which promotes the message of Jesus as the "great hope in the midst of crisis." The campaign cost 300,000 euros and will be publicized in various media in Spain this week.
Designed by Billy Graham Foundation, this initiative has spread to several countries in recent years, on every continent. From 15 to December 17, there is the television broadcast of testimonies of evangelicals known as Kaka, Real Madrid player, singer Juan Luis Guerra, and also workers, teachers and police anonymous. There will be gospel music clips, but unlike other countries, there will be a formal preaching. The main goal of the campaign in Spain is dispel the myth that "being Spanish is incompatible with being evangelical" and demand an end to "religious discrimination" . "Religious freedom is still an outstanding issue in Spain and can not wait," complained Mariano Blazquez, president of the Federation of Evangelical Spain. "It seems to me a message very unique and very positive to give hope to the society in the name of Jesus Christ." The coordinator of the event in Spain, Jose Pablo Sanchez belongs to the Episcopal Conference and excited about the initiative says. "At this moment of crisis, many politicians and bankers looking for hope, but will not find it. What we show is that true hope can only be found in Jesus Christ. " In Spain there are currently 1.5 million evangelicals who worship in 2,994 churches recognized by government authorities. "Today we are, without doubt, the second denomination in the country, considering the presence and social relevance," said Mariano Blazquez. "There is still discrimination in Spain in religious matters, especially cool, and we believe it is time to end it" concludes Blázquez. Spain live at the time, the remains of the European crisis. After countries like Ireland and Greece have begun economic disruption in the Eurozone, Spain and Portugal are mentioned as the next to feel its impact. The fact that the message of Jesus to remember on Christmas Eve is expected to generate important results in this country where, historically, evangelicals do not grow.

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