Sunday, September 18, 2011

Carol Celico- "Always try emphasizes the possibility of a mistake of mine"

Women's soccer star Kaka, Caroline Celico talks about his new CD and DVD, her husband's career, life of mother and the couple's recent break with the Church Reborn, involved in crimes of embezzlement.


Caroline Celico was just a teenager of 15 years when he met and fell in love with soccer star Kaka, who at age 20, began to shine at Sao Paulo. The two soon geared a courtship that won a complication: Kaka was sold to AC Milan of Italy in 2003. The young woman, then 16, faced a long distance courtship and deepened in biblical studies at Reborn in Christ Church - whose founders, the couple Estevam and Sonia Hernandes, it is serving a sentence for crimes of embezzlement, money laundering, forgery and . 

Young, pretty and successful, Kaka and Carol formed the perfect couple. Both virgins married in December 2005, and she finally can move to Milan at the end of 2007, after being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, was found pregnant. In June 2008 Luca was born, the couple's first child. 

The following year, with the signing of Kaka to Real Madrid, Carol moved again, this time to the Spanish capital, and in 2010, Isabella became pregnant again. 

Today age 24, after breaking with the Church Reborn, Caroline remains faithful to the Christian dogma. The launch of the CD and DVD that bear his name was a new step for Carol, who, despite the success of sales, said it will not show. Check out the following excerpts from the interview given by e-mail in which she avoided talking about the scandals of the church Hernandes.

Singing has always been part of your life? The experience helped in the church? 
I love music. She has always been part of my life, especially with classical piano, I have studied since childhood. I also tried to learn guitar and drums, but piano has always fascinated me more. 

Your website is very complete, and you and Kaka are very active on Twitter. The technology allows fans to feel closer to you? 

technology allows us all to be closer. Kaká is closer to the kids when traveling and I also brought me closer to my family in Brazil. With the fans is the same thing. 

There will be shows to CD / DVD? Why? 
Because my goal was never to do shows. Artists present their work to demonstrate and live it. I used the music to enable people to get closer to God. This was the goal. I'm not an artist and I'm not building a singing career. 

And the duet with Claudia Leitte? How did it happen? 
thought it would be very interesting to have a partnership with a person of the pop universe, but with the same feelings I had about God. I watched a DVD of a show of it and thought how beautiful bold and honest with what she said about God so subtly. It had everything to do with the project I was imagining. When I came in contact, we identify a lot. Evil came to details and she had accepted the partnership. 

As convince Kaka singing? He had already had some experience before? 
It was not as difficult as I imagined. He agreed that if it was a song for me, there would be no better voice to interpret it. It was a great proof of love that moved me a lot. 

How to deal with the fame of her husband? 
I met him when he was in his early career. He never let fame change him and it brought a lot of simplicity in the way we deal with it. My mother has always been exposed to the media for being an executive of the luxury market, so I'm used early to separate things. Fame is never a problem. The problem is how people can have their hearts changed by it. 

You and Kaka are some kind of role model for young couples around the world. It's hard to live with this burden? 
I always try to emphasize the possibility of a mistake of mine to avoid frustrations. When we expect too much, or we put our hope in men (in the sense of humanity), are disappointed. It is a great privilege to serve as an example in our life choices and love of God, but we are human. Only Jesus is perfect. 

At a time when so many murders in the name of different religions, it is difficult to keep the faith? 
I think faith in God through Jesus is consummated, all with the principles of love and forgiveness. I do not share the idea of killing to force someone to understand a message but do not judge. Each has responsibility for their choices.It's hard to say what is right or wrong. According to the Bible, "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." What we see with human eyes can not change our faith. 

You recently left the Church Reborn. Much has changed in your life? The important thing is to keep the faith regardless of religion then? 
not changed our principles or values. We reflect and understand the most important thing is to believe and place our faith in God. We know that only God can justify us and bring us peace and joy. 

's life has been good mother? I read that as a teenager, you would like to butt heads with her. It has been prepared for when this happens with the Luca and Isabella? 
Actually, no one liked to butt heads with parents, but it is natural to have disagreements at some point in life. With my mother was intolerant in adolescence, lack of patience and acceptance. I'm not prepared to live this with my children in God and hope to have the wisdom to deal with difficult situations like this. 

There is a desire to return to Brazil? Life is very different in Europe? 
Life in Europe is very similar to what we have in Brazil. It is in Brazil that are our family and childhood friends of a lifetime. That's what makes us dumber and miss our country. 

If Kaka does not play again in Brazil before the end of his career, you come back after retirement? They want to raise their children here? 

We love Brazil, we intend to one day go back and create them there, but we do not know when.


The trajectory of the couple model

At 15, Caroline Celico know Kaka, then 20. The two logos begin dating, and she joins the Reborn in Christ Church

in 2005. Kaka, now in Milan (Italy), Carol asks in marriage during a trip to Venice. After the ceremony, she moves to Milan

in 2007. She was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, Carol announces she is pregnant with the couple's first child.Luca was born healthy in June 2008

in 2010. Kaka is transferred to Real Madrid. Already living in the new city, writes Carol CD / DVD and disseminates it to friends. It also discovers she is pregnant again

in 2011. In April, born Isabella, second daughter of Carol and Kaka. In June, the CD / DVD under the name Carol gets commercial release by Universal Music

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